6 weeks
8 hours per week
Study mode
Tutor guided
Certificate of Achievement
Evidence your learning with a Certificate of Achievement from the University of Cambridge on successful completion.
- Start
03 February 2025
- Finish
16 March 2025
- Enrol by
27 January 2025
- Start
Discover more about this course from the expert(s) behind it
Course overview
Neuroscience is one of the fastest growing areas of life sciences with functional neuroanatomy (the study of the structure and function of the brain) becoming an important area of study for the clinical practice of neurosurgery, neurology, neuroradiology and psychiatry.
Discover how key anatomical features of the brain and spinal cord underlie functions and how damage to these structures can lead to specific functional deficits, for example, due to stroke, trauma or neurodegenerative disease. Through a series of videos and images from the University of Cambridge dissecting rooms, you’ll be able to visualise brain structure at different levels and explore the regions of the brain involved in sensory, motor, emotional and cognitive function.
This course will provide you with the knowledge to identify brain and spinal cord pathology and the associated clinical signs in patients. It will give you the confidence to apply this knowledge to clinical scenarios, through practice with real-life examples in clinical puzzles and hands-on activities.
Our Functional Neuroanatomy course is certified by The Society of British Neurological Surgeons as conforming to continuing professional development principles. This course has an estimated 48 hours of learning.
What will I learn?
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- describe different regions of the brain, differentiate their function and evaluate their potential clinical relevance
- compare and differentiate different methods of live macroscopic imaging of human brain structure and vasculature; interpret images
- identify, map and label key functional structures and pathways in the brain
- recognise, analyse and interpret microscopic brain structure
- identify sites of injury based on clinical signs and symptoms, brain images and patient history.
Who is this course for?
This course will be of interest to the following:
- pre-clinical medical students
- junior doctors
- registrars
- allied health professionals
- graduate students
- professionals in research and industry who need an introduction to brain anatomy with a functional emphasis.
Course delivery
Our certificated courses reflect the Cambridge experience and values, with low student to tutor ratios and academically rigorous standards. Our learning model is designed to help you advance your skills and specialise in emerging areas that address global challenges. We will help you build your network through an engaging and impactful learning journey that encourages collaboration. Courses are delivered in weekly modules, allowing you to plan your time effectively. The assessment criteria will be presented to you at the start of the course, so you can approach your studies with confidence and motivation, knowing what is expected of you and how to meet those expectations.
Throughout your online learning experience, you will have access to your course tutor, who will help facilitate your learning and provide you with support and guidance during your studies. You can interact with your tutor through a range of media, such as live sessions, discussion forums, email or canvas messaging.
Each course includes a balance of:
- interactive learning and real-world application so you can directly apply what you’re learning to your own context
- diverse teaching methods to enhance learning outcomes which will be delivered via learning activities such as University of Cambridge academic led videos, quizzes and group work
- optional live sessions (1 hour) with University of Cambridge academics and tutors to deepen your understanding of the week's material. These sessions may include an informal Q&A, a short lecture or a breakout activity that builds on the content introduced that week. All sessions are recorded and made available to stream so you can catch up whenever suits you
- guided critical thinking via our reflective workbook so you can collect, structure and summarise information and your thoughts as you progress through the course.
What will I get on completion?
Evidence your learning with a Certificate of Achievement from the University of Cambridge on successful completion.
University of Cambridge course leads
Susan Jones PhD
Associate Professor at the University of Cambridge; Group Leader in cellular neurophysiology in the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN); Human Neuroanatomy course organiser for undergraduate medical students.Hannah Clarke PhD
Associate Professor at the University of Cambridge; Group Leader in the neurobiology and psychology of behaviour; deputy course organiser, Human Neuroanatomy for undergraduate medical students.Elisa Galliano PhD
Assistant Professor at the University of Cambridge; Group Leader in neuronal plasticity in sensorimotor systems in PDN; leads practicals on brain histology for undergraduate and postgraduate students.Professor Steve Edgley PhD
Director of Studies in Preclinical Medicine, St John's College, University of CambridgeProfessor at the University of Cambridge; Group Leader in sensorimotor neurophysiology in PDN, Head of Teaching in PDN.
Level of knowledge
- a basic level of training in biological sciences: for example, first year of a biomedical degree or a diploma in a medical professional course will aid learning. Some basic knowledge of anatomy will be helpful but is not essential as we start at the basics of neuroanatomy. Enthusiasm for the subject is the most important qualification
- a level of spoken and written English sufficient to allow you to participate and succeed in the course (we recommend that you have an English Language level equivalent to an IELTS score of 7, as outlined in section 5 of our Terms of Purchase (Opens in a new window)).
Materials & equipment
- salt dough, plasticene, modelling clay, air-dry clay or a similar substance (for example, Play-Doh or Fimo) in several colours to build 3D structure of the brain during the course
- sufficient internet speed and stability for video streaming (2 Mbps up/down)
- no specialist software or equipment needed
- please see our recommendations on web browsers (Opens in a new window).
What our learners are saying
The academic support was excellent throughout the course. All my questions were answered during our live sessions and I received feedback on the assignments within a very short period of time.
It truly was a pleasure. The fact that a person with no prior medical education like myself was able to follow along and actually comprehend what was said, speaks volumes about the teaching standard. The exercises were amazing aids and supported me very well.
I loved interacting with my peers, who had varying specialties. Also seeing the brain dissections have really helped me visualise what and where in the brain is responsible for our everyday actions.
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