Professor Richard Fenner
Director of the Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Cambridge
About me
Professor Richard Fenner is the former director of the MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development (to 2020). His research focuses on water, sanitation and sustainability issues in both developed and developing countries.
He joined the University of Cambridge Department of Engineering in 2002 and led the MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development until 2020, establishing it as a unique internationally leading programme designed to encourage engineers to rethink how they deliver engineering goods and services. Richard has been a Fellow of Wolfson College since 2006 and serves on the College’s Sustainability Committee.
Richard has written extensively on issues relating to engineering education and is co-author/joint editor of the books: Sustainable Infrastructure: Principles into Practice (2014) and Sustainable Water (2016). He has served on several editorial panels for the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers and on steering groups for the Environment Agency, Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA), and the Building Research Establishment (BRE).
He is the recipient of several awards from the Institution of Civil Engineers, including the George Stephenson Gold Medal, R A Carr Prize, and James Watt Medal; the Senior Moulton Medal from the Institution of Chemical Engineers; and a University of Cambridge Pilkington Teaching Prize.
Winner of the Leo Jansen Prize EESD 2021
Winner of the R.A. Carr Prize- Institution of Civil Engineers
Recipient of Highly Commended Paper Award by Journal of Flood Risk Management 2018
Winner of Senior Moulton Medal- Institution of Chemical Engineers 2015
Winner of the Pilkington Teaching Prize for excellence in teaching at the University of Cambridge 2013
Recipient of a Highly Commended Paper award by the Emerald Literati Network-Awards for Excellence 2013
Winner of the James Watt Medal Institution of Civil Engineers 2008
Winner of the R.A. Carr Prize Institution of Civil Engineers 2007
Winner of the George Stephenson Gold Medal Institution of Civil Engineers 2006
Richard has published 91 journal papers and 17 books or book chapters. New and notable publications include:
Fenner R.A, Sykes J., Ainger C. (2022) Sustainable Infrastructure: Principles into Practice ICE Publishing 2nd ed
Ainger C and Fenner R.A (eds) (2016) Sustainable Water ICE Publishing
Fenner R.A. (2022) Common themes, accelerating progress and beyond 2030 inSafe Water and Sanitation for a healthier world: A global view of progress towards SDG6 ed Rajapakse et al Book Chapter Springer
Fenner R.A., Ainger C (2020) A review of sustainability in civil engineering: why much more commitment is needed ICE Proceedings (Opens in a new window)– Civil Engineering Volume 137 issue 2 pp 69-77 May 2002
Slattery, Z.; Fenner, R. (2021) Spatial Analysis of the Drivers, Characteristics, and Effects of Forest Fragmentation(Opens in a new window). Sustainability 2021, 13, 3246.
Fenner R.A., Cernev T, (2021) The implications of the Covid-19 pandemic for delivering the Sustainable Development Goals. Futures (Elsevier)(Opens in a new window) Published on-line March 2021
Ferguson C and Fenner R (2021) How natural flood management helps downstream urban drainage in various storm directions. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Water Management,(Opens in a new window)